Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 4.10/164: Genesis 12:3 and Galatians 3:12-22: It is all about the Ducks

We just completed a family trip through Kentucky and Tennessee. One of our stops was to see some ducks in Memphis. These were real ducks who lived in a hotel. Every morning hundreds of tourists would gather around the fountain in the centre of the hotel as these ducks came down from their penthouse apartment and walked along the red carpet to the fountain where they would spend the day until evening when hundreds more tourists would gather to see them exit the fountain and march along the red carpet to the elevator which they rode up to their room to go to bed. (I’m not kidding!)

On another stop on a trip at a Shaker village in Kentucky, my daughter was able to help with another duck parade. She helped them march back into the barn for the evening. On yet another night, I looked out from our motel balcony to see quite a number of ducks parading to the river. I called my children over. I didn’t realize our trip had a theme but it did: it was all about the ducks.

Scripture is like that.

The first time the Gospel is mentioned in the Bible is Genesis 12:3 when God promises Abraham that all of the world will be blessed through him. The Apostle Paul confirms this for us, millennia later, when he points out that that promise is not simply vaguely pointing to a salvation that is to come but that it is specifically referring to the salvation that comes through Christ alone.

The Gospels and many of the epistles spend a lot of time and words to explain to us exactly how we can know that indeed all of history until that point was leading up to Christ’s penultimate appearance and all of history from then, including now, is leading up to his ultimate appearance. As this is the case let us go now and reserve ourselves a front row seat and even ask to be involved in the show. It will be the time of our lives.
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