Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.40/141: Psalm 103:12: Guernsey

Major Hicks spoke to us at a Salvation Army men's camp. He spoke to us about 'the masculine journey'. It was an interesting and entertaining time. On Saturday night he had something different for us. He arrived with a puppet on his arm and a ventriloquist routine to go with it. The puppet was wearing a Salvation Army guernsey.  A guernsey is a sort of knit sweater. He told this story.

A man was came to Christ and came to The Salvation Army. He then went to a service and he came back sad. His wife asked him why he was sad. He told her that everyone there was wearing guerseys but he didn't have one. His wife then knit him one.

He went back to The Salvation Army happy with his new guernsey but he came back sad again. His wife asked him what was wrong. Everyone else had something written on their guerneys: something about God or The Salvation Army or both. This posed a bit of a problem for the man and his wife as neither of them could read. The wife didn't know what to do until she saw a new sign in a shop across the street. She decided to painstakingly copy it letter for letter and word for word. She did even though neither she nor her husband had any idea what it said.

The next day the man goes back to The Salvation Army and his wife anxiously awaits his return. He come back ecstatic. She asks him why he is happy. He is happy because everyone loves his new guernsey that says, 'under new management'

When we become new followers of Christ, he removes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west and we no longer have to follow our own impulses and direction but can instead rely on the leading and direction of the Lord. Indeed as we give our lives to Christ, we all come under new management.
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