Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.31/132: 1 John 4:18: Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

I was speaking with a colleague the other day about an incident. Another person had been less than honest with us on an occasion or two. We were trying to come to terms with this. At one point I mused that this person seemed to always be afraid when he addressed us. I mentioned that this was weird because he usually did not bring us any new information and we usually did not greet him in a hostile manner. He also had more authority than either of us. Why was he dishonest with us?

Danielle Strickland spoke to the Officers of the OCE Division of The Salvation Army recently. She spoke about oppression. She said the language of oppression is lying and the currency of oppression is fear. This resonated with our experience.

Are you experiencing oppression in your life? If so pray to the Lord. Pray for your oppressors and pray for those being oppressed. Claim the promise that perfect love drives out fear; love your enemies, and pray for deliverance for all who need to experience the full freedom of Christ in their life today.
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