Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 4.06/160: Hebrews 11:13-14: Wonderworks

Presented to Alberni Valley Ministries Men's Breakfast, 13 July 2019, by Captain Michael Ramsay

When we were visiting Pigeon Forge, my youngest daughter was quite taken by a tourist attraction that we never did actually have the time to go into and look around. Wonderworks is an upside down building. It is that fact that really attracted her to it. I am sure we have seen similar buildings in Florida and Niagara.

What struck me, as relating to our Faith walk, is how much our world seems turned upside down. I don't know how many conversations I have had over the last few years with people who are just honestly confused. Things that were good when they were a kid are now considered bad, Things that were considered evil and now exalted. The popular view on some topics when I was a teenager, if anyone was to espouse it now they would be shunned. The world seems very much upside down.

As followers of Christ, we are always like that to some regard. The Christian message has always been a radical one: offering mercy in place of vengeance and forgiveness in place of hate. Loving God by loving your neighbour among other things. Healing and wholeness instead of retaliation and division. We know Christ's Kingdom of Forgiveness will come and many have died while still walking in faith only seeing this Kingdom in a distance. We still must walk in faith, mercy, forgiveness. As we do we will find that our lives seem upside down to many others. At Christ's return, we will see, however, that we are really the ones who were rightside up all along. At that time he will set everything right in His Kingdom to come.
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