Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.41/142: Deuteronomy 30: In the Same Boat

Moses was about to leave his life and his work behind him. It was very important that his people, the Hebrews, chose to continue to follow the Lord. It was very important for that is the only way that they and their children and their children's children would be able to stay afloat in the ocean of the troubles that would surround them for generations to come.

At men's camp this year the men were given cardboard and duct tape and told to build the best craft that they could. These boats would be tested for buoyancy. The one that stayed afloat the best (holding the most weight) would win. There were many decisions to make: how much cardboard to use; how much duct tape; what shape should it be; what size; what style?

The decisions people made and followed through on had a significant effect on the end result. If they chose wisely the boast floated and stayed afloat; if they did not, it did not.

It is the same in our own life. If we choose to try to build our lives with incorrect materials, in an insufficient way, our boat will not float; if we do not use the materials and directions that God has provided for us than the boat will not float for very long; however If we choose to follow Christ, use His materials and directions, He can keep us afloat no matter how rocky the seas of our life may become.
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