Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.47/148: 2 Corinthians 13:5-10: Take it or Leave it?

We are moving. We have lived in the same place for a few years. My children have grown up a bit. My youngest is too old for the board books she read when we got here. The hobbies and interests of my teenagers have changed a lot. The clothes that the kids like have changed and of course the clothes that fit them when we moved here no longer fit.

We need to examine everything. We need to evaluate whether we need to take it with us across the country to our new home or not. We have to decide if it is valuable and worth keeping or whether we should get rid of it.

Paul is saying something similar to the Corinthians. They need to test themselves to see whether they are in the faith or not. If they are not then there are somethings in their life they need to jettison and not bring with them into their new lives.

There is even more to this passage too. This part is important. John Wesley spoke about examining ourselves regularly to see if indeed we are Christians or if we are almost Christians. Paul here is encouraging those of us in the Church who claim to follow Christ to examine our lives. Do we follow Christ? Do we walk in truth? Do we discern his lead and follow it? I encourage you to think of evidence of your having Christ in your life today.

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