Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.43/144: Acts 11:17: Election Night Rant

I hate election day. I used to love election day. My parents used to help out on various campaigns by delivering signs and things like that. I was a scrutineer once. My wife's family has been very active and quite effective in politics, accomplishing many good things. I used to look into all of the issues, go to the local debates and all candidates meetings, research the resumes, experiences and skills of the candidates applying for an elected position. I thought that is what democracy was all about. We researched the people who were applying for the job of representing our riding and then we hired the best one for the job. And then I grew up...

I have spoiled my ballots more than once as I realize that no one with any skill or experience was even in the running to be hired in my riding. I have almost wept as the party I preferred was represented by someone whose professed values contradicted mine in every way.

In recent elections I have even taken to asking people after an election who they voted for and sadly the vast majority of people were unable to even tell me the name of the  person they voted for. Today is election day where I live. Tomorrow many of us will have new MPPs and most of us who voted will have no idea who they are.

There are many people who have been very actively trying to be hired for a job over the last few weeks. The truth is that the likelihood of the best person for the job being hired in your riding is exactly the same as the least competent person being hired.

Most people never even look at the resumes of the people they are supposed to choose between. This is sad. As Christians, we should test everything against the scriptures and we should pray for each of the candidates in our ridings and cast our ballot for the best one. Maybe you haven't done so. If not please try to do so next time.

Praise the Lord Heaven is not a democracy.
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