Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.50/151: Deuteronomy 6:1-7: Poison and Children

The other night my teenage daughters and I went to see Poison and Cheap Trick in concert. I am blessed. We have seen Alice Cooper, Deep Purple, GNR, Live and others in concert together. It is a lot of fun to be able to share these experiences with my daughters. The Poison, Cheap Trick concert was a Father's Day concert and this was a good way to celebrate Father's Day: listening to music from when I was a teenager with my teenagers. My teenagers actually like this old music! I don't know how they developed the same taste in music as I have. I think it flowed from a school (History?) assignment of Sarah-Grace's but I am not sure. I know that even though I don't listen to music a lot, they did have the chance to hear my old tapes. Some of my influence must of rubbed off on them. Rebecca now even has a tape player so she can and does play my old tapes! They have also gotten these older songs in newer formats to listen to. They must of picked up something from my influence!

Deuteronomy speaks about the importance of teaching our children well. They can learn from us so easily. As much as I enjoy going to concerts and listening to music from the 80's with my teens; I even more enjoy reading the Bible with them and seeing that they read the Bible on their own and pray on their own and worship God on their own and in community. A few months ago I was unable to go to church for a few weeks in a row. My kids still went all on their own. It was a real blessing and a great encouragement to everyone at the church.

I encourage you to read the Bible with your kids when they are little. Talk to them about God and the Bible always and pray as a family. That is indeed a great blessing that I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on.

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