Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.37/138: Hosea 2:23: Solo

My daughters and I went to see SOLO. It was a surprisingly good movie. There was one scene that stuck in my mind. Han was emigrating and an official asked him his name and then he asked him who his people were. Han replied that he didn't have any people; so the surname awarded to him was 'Solo'.

When I was studying restorative justice at Simon Fraser University, my instructor asked us the same question for one of our papers: who are your people? I pondered this for a while and wrote a long essay claiming many people as my people: those in The Salvation Army, those in the community that I lived and all the communities in which I have lived before, those in the courts and the prisons where I have ministered, my colleagues, associates, friends, clients, neighbours; anyone I could think of I claimed as my people.

Most of all if we submit to the Lord, we are His people. We are part of the family of God. Even if at one point we were not part of God's family when we accept Him as Father we join his family. When we accept Him as Lord we become one of His people. When this is the case, we are no longer solo but always have the Lord to turn to and learn on in times of crisis, Therefore, if you haven't already, I invite you to accept the LORD's invitation to be one of His people today...
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