Friday, May 4, 2018

Devotion 3.29/130: 1 Thessalonians 5:18, John 16:33: Hope's Vanguard

Presented to River Street Cafe, 04 May 2018

Not long ago I shared here about the Saskatchewan bus crash and how it affected me much more than I though it would and then while still coming to turns with that bus crash, that horrific van crash happened here in Toronto: that fellow ran down and killed all of those people on Yonge Street, just a few subway stops north of where we live.

This just passed Sunday I joined the Toronto community in supporting those impacted by last Monday’s tragedy at the #TorontoStrongVigil. The event was hosted in collaboration with community groups Toronto Area Interfaith Council and Faith in the City and the. I am a part of that group. It was a real blessing to be a part of that remembrance, that vigil. Many people shared prayers, songs, words of encouragement and comfort.

One of the things that really resonated with me as I was standing with community members and later clergy from other denominations and faiths was a spirit of gratefulness.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

People were grateful for the support of others. People were grateful for their community. People were grateful for the response, the love, the giving, and the forgiving of others. We were thankful.

This gratefulness, this thankfulness to God is one thing we can offer at this time as a community to our community in need. We can offer comfort and support to those of us who are healing through giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

And this is the case for all of us. None of us, I don’t think, leads a life free of mourning or tragedy. None of us, I don’t think, leads a life free of trials and tribulations. None of us, I don’t think, leads a life free of troubles and struggles.

John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

This, I think is the message of hope for me today. There is trouble in the world. There has always been trouble in the world and there will probably for many years to come still be trouble in the world. Sad things happen. We know it is true. Jesus told us so; the Bible tells us so; and we all have lived and will live through difficult times but, you know what? Tomorrow the sun will come up and the day will continue and we can take heart because Jesus has already overcome all of our troubles in the world; so we can turn to him and experience comfort for yesterday, peace for today and hope for tomorrow.
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