Friday, August 23, 2024

25 August 2024 Service: Angels and Other Things (Romans 5:1-5)

1.     Welcome: (36 sec)

Welcome to The Salvation Army. Susan, Heather and I are unable to be here this morning. Today we are very Thankful to God for Nancy Wilmot and The Scoop on Port Alberni for putting this service together on the screen. So I do invite you during the singing today to sing enthusiastically. I think we have picked some good songs you will know with which to worship our Lord.


2.     ANNOUNCEMENTS / Upcoming Events (2:00)


·       This week the kids have been at performing arts camp at The Salvation Army Camp Sunrise in Gibsons


·       This upcoming week the Ramsays are at Officer Retreat at Gibsons


·       September is always a busy time at The Salvation Army:


o   All our programs supporting the schools get up and running again: the breakfast programs, the lunch programs

o   All our church programs: kids, Bible studies etc get going again


o   Rena and Tim will be leading the services at the seniors homes

o   and each weekend it seems like we have something else:


·       September 7th is the fall fair parade would you like to help us decorate a float again this year?


·       September 14th is the toy run. Let me know if you can help cook hamburgers and hotdogs or help us collect toys or anything else


·       September 21st is the big community run food drive spearheaded by Bruce and Dorothy and team


·       and September 28th to 31st is Men's Camp. I'll be going this year. A session mate of mine is the guest speaker. Let me know if you would like to go to that and I will register you. It should be good!


·       And then Augst 30th and 31st TSA is involved in Overdose awareness. Travis will be heading that up if you need more information


·       and also on August 31st we will be helping with the Bullhead derby. I invite you to listen to what Carol-Anne had to say about last year's bullhead derby. It will be just as much fun this year!


3.     VIDEO: Bullhead Derby (1:51)


4.     Let us pray... (20 sec)


5.     SONG INTRO (7 sec): We know that we can always lean on the Lord so I would like you to Join us in singing Blessed be the Name of the Lord


6.     VIDEO: Blessed be the Name of the Lord (2:47)


7.     TESTIMONY INTRO (8 sec): Did you sing? we can try another song in a moment, first here is a testimony about how God used the Army in Remi's life...


8.      VIDEO: Remi Tom (1:41)


9.     SPEAKING (3:50): The next two songs we are going to sing you should recognize them very well. We often sing them when Susan isn’t here and I need to find songs on-line. they are very important to me.


The second one will be I'll fly away. This one has a real special place in my heart. When I served in Stony mountain Pennitentiary for two year in Winnipeg. The worship team, every service would play this song. It talks about the prison doors being open and the guys flying away. I always think of my friends in Stony Mountain Penitentiary when I hear it.


And as I am recorded and there is no one to stop me I will ramble on a little about that. Those fellows will always have such a close place in my heart. My first ever sermon that I preached as an ordained and commissioned officer was to my friends in Stony Mountain penitentiary. It was among the most gloriously humbling experiences in my life. You know when God gives you a word for someone and even more than that they have a word for you. I compared their experiences getting ready to be released to prison to mine about to be released from College to Jesus' about to be released into ministry and how the temptations we all face will be similar and so we can take heart from Jesus’ story for as he can over come he can help us over come.


And the next song we will sing is I Saw the Light by Hank Williams. This song means the world be me because of a couple of things. one, this is one of the songs that my friends in Stoney Mountain always requested and 2 because of when I was serving down in Galveston Texas after Hurricane Ike destroyed that area. Most people escaped - except for the really poor people and those who wanted to stay. Some chose to die; some were to poor to live.


I was down there helping before people started returning. We were providing food for people who would be unable to eat if it wasn’t for our food trucks. There was no electricity or amenities. My job was to debrief people who were leaving, going back home as well as to provide emotional and spiritual support to people in need.


One day I was debriefing a fellow who was going to go back home. He himself, was in rehab, and had not that long ago given his life to the Lord. He told me about Paul, a young man who lived in the ghetto with his whole family under one roof. He came out to the food truck everyday and began helping, and getting to know the people and then he let the workers know that he wanted to give his life to the Lord. The workers had never helped anyone with that before so they invited me to come. I did. The next day, I helped our friend who was going home lead his friend, teh young Paul to the Lord. We prayed and gave him a Bible and then we met the angels. 2 angels in a pickup truck. There is no way they could have known what we were doing. They drove into the parking lot, played "I Saw the Light" on their radio and then they were gone. They had just come down from heaven to celebrate Paul's salvation with us. Let's all sing I saw the light and then I'll Fly away.


10. SONG: I Saw the Light (2:44)


11. SONG: I'll Fly Away (2:11)


12. VIDEO CLIP INTRO (1:00) The hope that Paul grabbed hold of is available to us all both for eternity and for now. We are going to go to a time where we can give God our tithes and our offerings but first I would like you to watch this clip. This clip is about a young man who swam Sproat lake to raise funds for his mission trip. Elly, who volunteered with our kids program in the past is also going on that same mission trip. at the end of this clip you will see how to donate to any of the kids going, or if you would like to make a donation to Elliana, just right Elly on an envelope and put it in the offering plate.


Please enjoy this clip.


13. VIDEO: Sproat Lake Swim (3:53)


14.  SONG AND OFFERING INTRO (30 sec) I will now invite the ushers forward; let us pray...


15. VIDEO: Tis so sweet to Trust in Jesus (5:09)




a.     Read Romans 5:1-5 (51 sec)


5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.


b.    Reflection (5:55)

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. In the past week or so someone I knew here hanged himself. He is the third person I know since I have lived in Port Alberni, 6 years? 7 years? Who has hanged himself.


I can't even count on both hands, all my fingers and all my toes the number times friends of mine have overdosed. Many of those time fatal. How many of those are on purpose. I think of the hopelessness that many people struggle with every day. I implore you to please share with someone the reason for your hope so that they don't need to struggle through this life alone!


I have one more story to tell you today.


One morning when we were missionaries on Vancouver's downtown eastside, I was mugged. It was early in the morning and I was on Main and Hastings – that most infamous intersection in this most infamous neighbourhood - and I was on the phone with Susan who was out of town at the time.


Someone came running up behind me, grabbed my briefcase and tore down Main Street. In the briefcase was my laptop and all the information for the summer school program I was running for the kids in the area; so, like anyone mugged in the depths of skid row, I…well, I chased the mugger.


I followed him down Main Street through Chinatown across busy streets and around the myriad of mazes that are Vancouver’s back alleys. Scaring rats, jumping over sleeping street folk, I pursued my assailant. When I was within reach of him… I fell right in front of a bus and though I escaped with my life, the mugger escaped with my briefcase, my laptop, and the program files for the kids.


It was when I was walking back, completely distraught and despondent, that I experienced a miracle: I encountered an angel, a messenger of God, in the back alleys of Vancouver’s storied downtown eastside. I can still remember vividly; he looked like a ‘dumpster diver;’ he prayed with me and he offered me these words of encouragement from Romans 5:3,4 “...but let us also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Inside I sighed. I knew he was right. God gave me these words to encourage me. God sent His messenger to prepare us for impending challenges ahead.


In the next months a number of tragedies and struggles would confront our family. We were to receive serious, vocal, practical and other opposition from the Enemy through even people very close to us. We had to consciously protect even our children from harm; the foe is relentless.


The Apostle Paul says here that we should rejoice in our suffering because - if indeed our suffering is for the gospel - it will produce perseverance and you know what perseverance is good for, right? It gives us the ability to get through more suffering and difficult times and you know why God gives us the ability to get through more suffering and difficult times? …Because we’ve got more suffering and difficult times to get through still. So as we rejoice in our perseverance through difficult times we can rejoice because we will be ready for the even more difficult times that lay ahead.


Romans 5: “...rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” And this hope will never disappoint us (v.5).


I do hope you will take my encouragement to encourage someone you know so they can experience the hope that Jesus offers us every day


c.     PRAYER: Let us pray (27 Sec)


d.     VIDEO INTRO: I want to encourage you with one more thought. Here are some ways that each of you as part of us here are contributing to hope in our community. (20 sec)


17. VIDEO: The Salvation Army We're Always Here (0:50)


18. SONG INTRO (0.38) Now just before we go we will sing another song that is connected to hope and to both my time with the people in Galveston and the folks at Stony mountain penitentiary, we sang the song in both places, as we do sing it in so many place, a song about grace inspired to a person saved by grace, amazing grace.


19. VIDEO: Amazing Grace. (4:02)