Saturday, May 7, 2022

Genesis 4, 1 Samuel 1, Matthew 20:20-28, Luke 1:26-56. 2 John: Mother’s Day Haikus.

Presented to The Salvation Army Alberni Valley Ministries on Mother’s Day, 08 May 2022, by Sarah-Grace and Heather Ramsay


Today is Mother’s Day. Now, I actually I looked up whether it is Mother apostrophe ‘S’ Day (the day of one particular mother) or Mother ‘S’ apostrophe Day (a day belonging to more than one mother) or whether it is Mother no apostrophe ‘S’ Day (a day to celebrate mothers in general). Apparently, it is the former - Mother apostrophe ‘S’ Day (the day of one particular mother) – so, I encourage everyone who is able to today, to honour your particular mother and make her feel special.


We love you mom!


In the Bible there are many amazing women. A few of them who are mentioned specifically for their role as mother. For our time today, we have haikus about some of these particular mothers from the Bible. One from the New Testament, one from the Gospels, one from the Old Testament outside the Pentateuch and one from the Pentateuch and as a bonus we will also have a haiku about Mary the mother of Jesus too. Our first Mother Haiku is from Genesis in the Pentateuch:



Today’s Mothers’ Day

The first mom we have is Eve

For 2 sons she grieved


The Bible doesn’t tell us too much about Eve as a mother. We do hear about her struggles and interactions with the serpent and her husband a little bit. It is a very sad note for her that when the Bible says death entered the world because of her and her husband, its first two casualties were indeed her eldest two children. Her one son killed her other son and thus she lost both children because of it. Being a mom isn’t always easy. Being a mom can be very sad at times. We, like many people, are sorry when it is us who cause our moms and others to be sad.


Dear God please forgive us for the times that we have made both You and our mothers sad.


The next mom we have is also from the Old Testament; She is from the book of 1 Samuel.



Sam, my first-born child

Of the two books named for him

Only one he’s in


Fun fact: Samuel isn’t even in the book of 2nd Samuel.


Hannah first shows up in the Bible as a wife who desperately wants to be a mother. She wants just to be a mother so much that she promises God that when He gives her a child, she will give him right back to God. God gives her a child and when the child is old enough, she brings her son – the boy who will later become the prophet Samuel - to be raised serving in the tabernacle of God by the High Priest. God blessed her son and raised him up to be the last ruler of Israel before the time of the kings. God blessed Hannah, this mom, by giving her many more children to love and to rear. This mom was blessed by God not only by having her child but also in seeing how God blessed her whole nation through her son.


Mom, like Hannah, you have made sure that we were raised in the Church – knowing, loving, and serving God. Thank you. To all of the moms and dads here who have dedicated their children to God, Thank you. To all the moms, parents, and other family members who are desperately praying for their children like Hannah did, even when they are far away, may the Lord answer your prayers.


Let us pray: Dear God we pray for all the children and families represented here today. We pray that our loved ones will all come to know and to love you and to know they are loved by You. Amen.



James and John’s mother

Thought her sons like none other

Made others wonder


Mrs. Zebedee was quite a lady. There was no holding her back. She marched her two adult sons right up to Jesus, bowed down in front of the Lord and asked that they both be held as more important than the others. When the other disciples heard about this, they were quite upset that James and John would let their mother do this but Jesus calmed everybody down, using this moment to teach about serving others rather than looking out for yourselves.


Moms continue to look out for their kids even after they have grown up and left home. Moms try their best. Like with all of us, sometimes it works out and sometimes maybe it doesn’t; sometimes, maybe like with Mrs. Zebedee, it causes a few extra little problems that would not have happened if mom didn’t try to help out. But moms love us and they try to help however they can. Thank you, mom, for loving us. Thank you everyone here for the love you show to one another – your family, your friends, and others.


Let us pray: Dear God. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for the opportunity to love one another. Please help us to always love unselfishly, caring for You and others more than ourselves. Amen


Our 4th of 5 specific mothers on this Mother’s Day comes from 2nd John in the New Testament.



Mother of children

Physical, spiritual

Early church pastor


2nd John says it is addressed to a specific mother and her children. Her name ‘Kyria’ translated to English from Greek literally means ‘Lady’ and her other name ‘Electa’ literally means ‘chosen’. Thus, the NIV reads this letter as written to the chosen lady. Kyria Electa was chosen as one of the first Christian pastors. She encouraged her children - those who have come to faith through her and presumably her natural born children as well. John sent her this letter of encouragement and it is neat because he concluded this short letter by sending greetings from the children of another woman pastor/teacher in the church.


God has used and is using many mothers and others in many roles in His church. Mothers especially are great teachers of their children. In times gone past before daycares and kindergartens moms were the primary teachers of the next generation. It is my hope that we would all be encouraged as Kyria Electa to continue to teach and care for one another.


Let us pray. Lord God, we pray that we will faithfully care for and teach those you give us to teach and we thank You for the many people You have provided and continue to provide to care for and to teach us. Amen.


Our next mother today is from the Gospels. She is probably the most well known and most often represented mother in artwork in the history of the world. The next mother we have today is Mary.





Mary Did You Know

That your son would save us all

Everlasting life


Mary was chosen by God to give birth to the Son of God and raise Him and care for Him. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her to see Him grow and do the things He does. I can’t imagine what it would be like for her to realize and respect her son as the Lord. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for her to see him upon the cross. He loved her so much: He entrusted her care to his friend even while He was upon the cross. I can’t imagine then what it would be like for her to know of His resurrection and eternal life. I can’t imagine how humbling it would be to see what God has and is doing through her little boy.


Moms, dads, and families are often proud of their children. They are very happy when they see how God uses them. God used Mary’s son, His Son, to accomplish so much in this world and the next. Mary’s son is also the Son of God and He was conceived, born, lived, died, and rose again so that we may all live forever more.


On this Mother's Day, let us all take Jesus up on that offer and let us all serve Him both for now and forever more.


Let us pray: Dear God on this Mother’s Day, we thank you for our mothers and others who love us. We pray for those near and dear to us. We pray that You will be with them and care for them; Lord we pray that we will know that You are near us and those we love in times of trouble. Lord, we thank you for loving us for now and forever more.

