Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 23: Romans 9:30: Righteousness

A devotional thought presented originally to Swift Current Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Thursday 05 March 2015.
Presented to the River Street Cafe, Toronto, 03 June 2016.

Read Romans 9:30-33

Remember the classic story, Alice through the Looking Glass? At one point there are two groups of people: those determined to reach a goal and those who are not. Those determined to reach the goal, walk towards a mirror where it is reflected but – of course – they never reach it because its not there; only the reflection is there. The ones, however, who turn (repent) and walk in the opposite direction are the one’s who actually find it.

We can never grab an image in the mirror because it is not a real item: it is just a reflection. This is like the Law and Israel: the Law is a reflection of God (cf. Wright, Romans, 649). It is not God and as long as one is reaching for this reflection, one can never grasp God. As long as you are reaching for his reflection rather than for Jesus - even though he is right beside you – you will never reach him.

I think sometimes in our churches we make this mistake. I think sometimes we can be tempted to believe that if we come to church and sing some songs we’ll be saved. Do we sometimes think that if we don’t swear, drink, smoke, gamble or whatever else we don’t do than we’ll be okay? Are we fooled into believing that if we are nice, don’t hurt anyone, and are likable than we deserve to go to heaven?

Well if any of us are hoping to get to God by being liked, being nice, or by our own righteousness; then we will be disappointed because personality, good works, and our own righteousness are nothing more than grasping at an image in the mirror.

Now there is good news: Romans 9:33, those who do trust in Jesus, rather than his reflection, will never be disappointed. We don’t need to look at anything else; we don’t need to be deceived by a reflection. Jesus is standing with us and he will never leave us nor forsake us.

This is gospel: Jesus died, rose from the dead, is coming back and whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This is what we notice when we stop looking in mirrors of our righteousness, rules, regulations, traditions and/or anything else. When we turn away from these and repent – the word repent means to turn – we will see Jesus and be saved. This is good news.

This is not to say that there aren’t good things about traditions and right behaviour; this is just to say quite simply that they won’t save us. So our questions for today: Are there ways in our own lives when we are tempted to ignore God and try to grasp an image, a rule maybe, or a ritual instead? Are there times when we, like first century Israel, rely on our righteousness and in the process actually turn our backs on God? And if so what can we do to turn (repent) and see Jesus?

[1] Based on the sermon by Captain Michael Ramsay, Romans 9:30 –10:4: The Law through the Looking Glass. Presented to Nipawin and Tisdale Salvation Army, 04 May 2008 and Swift Current, 02 August 2009. On-line: