Sunday, December 24, 2017

Matthew 2:1-18: New World Order

Presented to The Salvation Army Christmas Day Dinner 2017 at the Carlton Street location. Based on an earlier sermon, What's Your Choice, presented first to the Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, 26 December 2010 by Michael Ramsay 

History tells us about Herod. Herod is a regional king. He works for the Romans and he is known as ‘Herod the Great’. Herod is a great political leader and as such is involved in all the political intrigue of his era in all the ways that political intrigue is carried out in his time (cf. Josephus, Bellum ii.10–13; cf. also Josephus, Antiquities xvii. 224, 229, 250, 304, 307, 340). He is a king but his job is no more secure than that of a contemporary politician and Herod defends his title and his job no less vigorously: in order to secure his position, Herod needs to back the right horse and defeat all his rivals (cf. Josephus, Antiquities i.358). He – like many contemporary politicians – switches his allegiances more than once as to whom he backs for Emperor – first he backs Mark Anthony’s coalition government and later crosses the floor to support Caesar Augustus. Herod is a king who leaves behind a good legacy of building and growth but he is an adept politician, cruel and insecure. The title awarded to him by Caesar Augustus is Herod, King of the Jews.

Imagine what it must have been like for him. Imagine you are King of the Jews and these privileged academics come to you from a foreign country and they ask, “Where is your replacement?” Matthew 2:2, they ask “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” Imagine, you have this job that you have fought hard for all your life and your job title is ‘King of the Jews’ and these strangers come up to you and ask to meet your replacement, the new King of the Jews. How would you react?

I was a dishwasher once for about a week as a teenager; the job didn’t go well and I didn’t get along with my co-worker and one day I met a friend for coffee; he was excited as he told me that he had just been hired for a job at this SAME restaurant. When we talk for a while it becomes apparent that they have hired him for MY job. That is how I found out that I was going to be fired. This could be what it is like for Herod when he hears this news that a there is going to be a new king of the Jews. This news is a shock to him. This news is a threat to him. Current kings can be killed when new kings take over. Herod is the king. Who is this new King of the Jews? If you were Herod, what would you do? Herod is determined to eliminate his would-be-rival so Herod sends in the troops. The military massacres male babies two years and younger in order to wipe out any possible rival who may have been recently born. This is Herod’s reaction to the birth of Jesus. He tries to remove him.

In our story today we also have the Magi. Our word ‘magic’ comes from the same root as ‘magi’. They are learned people who see this ‘star’. They come from the east (cf. Philippians 2:10-11). Remember that travel isn’t easy in that day and age: they can’t just hop a flight or drive the Trans-Palestine superhighway to Jerusalem. These wise men realize from their studies of the world around them that the King of the Jews has been born (cf. Numbers 24:17, Daniel 9:25, John 4:25, Romans 1). What do they do when they discover this? Remember that they probably aren’t Jews and they don’t live in the area. What do these foreign academics do when they find out a king of the Jews has been born? They put their whole lives on hold and come to find him in order to worship him (Matthew 2:2; cf. TSA d. 2,4).

Matthew provides us with these two contrasting example to the both of the king because people in the first century had a choice to make as to whether they were going to serve their contemporary systems of government or whether they were going to serve the NEW KING. 

We have to face the same choice today. The king has already been born. That is what Christmas is all about. This King has, is and will change the whole world. Jesus proclaims a new world order. Jesus is an end to capitalism, democracy, consumerism, imperialism, and whatever other ‘ism’ people are tempted to serve. The systems that raised up Herod and the Magi; Trump and Trudeau, Harper and Obama will come to an end. This world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is coming to an end. This world where man makes war against man will end. Like White Lion proclaims, ‘no more presidents and all the wars will end, Then we will have one united kingdom under God.’ This is what the Christmas stories in Matthew and Luke are about. With Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection, Sin has been defeated. Jesus birth in a game changer; the game has now been won; and when he returns (any day now) it will be over. Whenever each of us realizes this, we need to make a decision – do we acknowledge Jesus as our leader and worship him like the Magi or do we rebel against him, trying to root him out of our life and our world like Herod. It is my hope that on this Christmas Day 2000+ years closer to the return of Christ than on the day of his birth, that we will each choose to live forever in this New Kingdom with this new King, whose birth in a manger we remember today.

Let us Pray


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Devotion 3.14/117: Matthew 1:24: Joseph’s Choice

Presented to the River Street Cafe, 22 December 2017

Read Matthew 1:18-25

In our text today we have Joseph:  Joseph is a carpenter/stone mason. He is from the Roman occupied territory of Judea and Joseph is righteous.

Matthew tells us also that Joseph is pledged to be married to a girl named Mary. Now, betrothal in the first century is not like it is today. When you are engaged then you are already bound. But even so before Mary and Joseph ever ‘know each other’ in the Biblical sense, before they ever come together in THAT way, Mary becomes pregnant.

Imagine this scenario with me, if you will – men in particular: you are engaged, you have not had relations with your fiancée and all of a sudden you find out that she is pregnant. What would you do? What would you say? What would you feel? What would you think? What would you think and what would you do if your girlfriend to whom you are engaged becomes pregnant – and not by you? Would you still get married? Joseph, when he finds out that Mary is pregnant, is planning to call off the wedding altogether. Verse 19 says that he wants to do this quietly so as to not bring any disgrace upon Mary.

Then something happens. Joseph has a dream. He dreams about an angel and in the dream this angel tells Joseph that he should ‘take Mary home as his wife’, Verse 20, ‘because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit’. He then dreams of the child saving people, even from their sins. Joseph thus has a number of decisions to make.

  1. Does he believe in visions and angels in general and does he believe this vision of this angel in particular?
  2. And how will he respond to this belief? Will he ignore his conviction that this vision is from God and press on with the separation/divorce anyway or will he accept the commission given to him from God through a messenger in a dream?

What would you do? Do you believe in your dreams? When Joseph awakes from his sleep, Verse 24, he does everything the angel from the Lord told him. Joseph is a righteous man.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11: Good News

Presented to 614 Warehouse Mission in Toronto a.m. service
on the third Sunday of Advent, 17 December 2017
by Captain Michael Ramsay

Our Isaiah reading in the lectionary today is one very familiar to us all: Isaiah 61:1-4 & 8-11

61:1 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners;

As Christians who are waiting to celebrate Christ’s arrival as a baby in a manger 2000+ years ago and as people waiting to experience Jesus’ return any day now; he has called each of us, as God anointed Isaiah, to share the Gospel of Salvation with the oppressed. Do you know what this means?

This means that to any of us who are having difficult times we are to share the Good News that when Jesus comes back, any day now, all the bad stuff will end, everything will be okay AND this means that since he came in a manger 2000+ years ago we can help each other through the difficult times because Jesus is with us to do just that.

We can comfort one another when our hearts are heavy; we can comfort each other when we are trapped; we can share the good news of release from prison bars, from addiction, from abuse – we can share the good news of release from it all when Christ returns at the eschaton and we can share the good news that Jesus will walk with us until then.

61:2 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn;

Jesus will comfort us now in our mourning and we are to comfort each other now as life is sometimes very difficult. Some of this comfort is honestly in the fact that Jesus is coming back and then everything will be okay. This verse speaks of the day of vengeance for our Lord. The days of economic systems that see one person fly to the moon as a tourist, another own houses around the world, while people are starving to death, will end with a vengeance. Political systems that see people ruling based on popularity contests and encouraging us to the sin of the book of Judges where we each do what is right in our own eyes will end with a vengeance. Political systems that see us spend billions and trillions of dollars on killing people when just a fraction of those resources can clothe and shelter everyone in the whole world, will end with a vengeance.Justice systems that see people of certain races or income levels incarcerated in place of the rich and the privileged who walk free, will end with a vengeance. All the corruption and injustice inherent to the socio-political-economic systems in our nation and our world will come to an end.

61:3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion-- to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit. They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, to display his glory.

Stay strong my friends. Our troubles here and now will be replaced with garlands and gladness in the future as we continue to serve to Lord and experience his righteousness

61:4 They shall build up the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.

We have applied this verse to our neighbourhood. This neighbourhood is actually a real life object lesson for us. Just as the old buildings here have come down (some of which we love because of the memories they hold) so the ruins of our societies that are now walking away from God shall be torn down and built anew as the whole world will be rebuilt, restored and renewed.

61:8-11 For I the LORD love justice, I hate robbery and wrongdoing; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.

Their descendants shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge that they are a people whom the LORD has blessed.

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my whole being shall exult in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

For as the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.

When the heavens open up and Jesus returns with the New Jerusalem, there will be no more wrong-doing on the whole earth. The Covenant of Salvation will be celebrated forever. We citizens of heaven living in the earth made anew will be filled with the Lord’s righteousness. Instead of being covered with the troubles, sadness, hardship, difficulties, and sorrow of this world today; when the Lord returns we will rejoice in the Lord for he will clothe us in his garments of salvation, his robe of righteousness, and his love forever more.

This is the Good News of Salvation and this is what we celebrate and we anticipate in advent: the coming of Jesus in a manager and his return, any day now, as Saviour when all the wrongs in the world will be set right and all the hate will be replaced by love and death shall be overcome by life instead of the other way around. This is what Christmas is all about: Emmanuel, Christ with us and the Salvation of the whole world for evermore.

Let us pray

1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (23&24): The 7 P’s and the Pi

Presented to The Salvation Army, Nipawin Corps 14 December 2008
Presented to Swift Current Corps, 11 December 2011
and 614 Warehouse Mission in Toronto, 17 December 2017
by Captain Michael Ramsay

Click here to read the sermon:

Friday, December 15, 2017

Devotion 3.13/115: Isaiah 40:3: Easy Running

Presented to River Street Cafe, 15 December 2017,
by Captain Michael Ramsay.

Read Isaiah 40:3b-5
Today we hear classic words of God through Isaiah also in the Gospels. A couple of weeks ago we had the Santa Shuffle. Heather participated and got a great metal. Since my 30s, I have off-again and on-again done quite a bit of running. When I lived in Vancouver I faithfully ran every second day. I lived about 5km from my office – I used to run there and back. In Winnipeg I lived almost 10km from the College, and a colleague and I did that run more than once. Running can be fun – but when you get out of the habit, and have to start again or when you start for the very first time it can be a chore. And sometimes those hills in your first few runs can feel like mountains and those valleys, ravines.  I can remember when I was first learning to run out west – where there are real mountains - being near the end of my run and my energy... rounding an almost last corner and seeing... a mountain to try to run up for my last 1/2k or so... Isaiah 40:3b-5:

“...make straight in the desert
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

This is a great verse to ponder when you are running up and down hills and around curves, looking towards a time when obstacles will disappear. I also used to do a good deal of hiking and some backpacking. After a few hours following switchbacks up and down mountains, you can almost feel the relief of Isaiah’s valleys raised and mountains levelled. This is part of the Good News of Isaiah 40.

This is the Good News also that John the Baptist proclaims: when Jesus’ returns with His Kingdom, obstacles, barriers in life will be removed. As during Advent we mark waiting for Jesus’ birth, we also hope for His return –very soon- so that our mountains of trouble will be levelled and our valleys of despair will be raised to abundance and the crookedness of our paths will be straightened.

And today even, let us not hesitate to bring before the Lord the valleys in our life that are making us feel low and the mountains of troubles that seem to be insurmountable, for the Lord is the one who will walk with us side by side until the day that all those mountains are leveled, those valleys are filled and our paths are straightened for eternity.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Isaiah 40:1-8 (Luke 3:1-6): Straight Paths...

Presented to the 230pm service of Warehouse Mission 614 at 252 Carlton St., Toronto, on the second Sunday of Advent, 10 December 2017 by Captain Michael Ramsay

To see an abridged version presented to Alberni Valley Ministries, 05 December 2021, click here:

Today we heard classic words of God through Isaiah and Jesus that are quoted by John the Baptist. Last week we had the Santa Shuffle. Heather participated and got a great metal. Since my 30s, I have off-again and on-again done quite a bit of running. When I lived in Vancouver I faithfully ran every second day. I lived about 5km from my office – I used to run there and back. In Winnipeg I lived almost 10km from the College, and a colleague and I did that run more than once. Running can be fun – but when you get out of the habit, and have to start again or when you start for the very first time it can be a chore. And sometimes those hills in your first few runs can feel like mountains and those valleys, ravines.  I can remember when I was first learning to run out west – where there are real mountains - being near the end of my run and my energy... rounding an almost last corner and seeing... a mountain to try to run up for my last 1/2k or so... Isaiah 40:3b-5:
“...make straight in the desert
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
This is a great verse to ponder when you are running up and down hills and around curves, looking towards a time when obstacles will disappear. I also used to do a good deal of hiking and some backpacking. After a few hours following switchbacks up and down mountains, you can almost feel the relief of Isaiah’s valleys raised and mountains levelled. This is part of the Good News of Isaiah 40. This is the Good News also that John the Baptist proclaims: when Jesus’ returns with His Kingdom, obstacles will be removed. As during Advent we mark waiting for Jesus’ birth, we also hope for His return so that our mountains of trouble will be levelled and our valleys of despair will be raised to abundance. The crookedness of our paths will be straightened. That is hope.
Last week we lit the candle of hope. Today we lit the candle of love. First one has hope and then one can dare to love. One of the key things about hope and love in the context of Isaiah is that both are to and from God and an humbled people, a conquered people, an exiled people. There is no hope when you are on top of the world...only fear that you will fall off.
In college, I remember looking at the marks going into one final exam and noticing that I had the 3rd highest mark in that class. I then heard the people with the two highest marks brag to each other about which of the two of them would finish top of the class, like no one else was their equal – it was at that moment that I resolved that I would beat them both.  And I did.
There was a small city on the prairies where each Christmas we would raise more money per capita for The Salvation Army than any other place. At first this was a victory – and then it was fear. What happens if we are not the best? What if someone beats us? What if I do not beat my previous record? What if I fail?
It was the same in university, once I became addicted to ‘A+’s, a ‘B’ was infuriating. There was no inherent joy in achievement anymore only a fear of failure – and that fear of failure can stomp out hope and it can stomp out love.
It was not always like that though in school. I remember a time when I would hope and pray and celebrate even a passing grade. I remember grade 11 French. The only French words I remember from that year we’re ‘ne lancer pas la papier’ which means ‘don’t throw the paper’. Apparently the teacher didn’t like that we threw paper airplanes in class. So every time we made one, we could hear her say, ‘ne lancer pas la papier’ – still my most recalled French phrase.
I also remember that our teacher took attendance at the beginning of the class and though we didn’t want to go to class, we didn’t want to explain absences on our report cards, so some of us had a habit of sneaking out of the class right after the attendance sheet was handed in.  The teacher then moved my desk from near the back door to the opposite corner of the room she could to hinder my escape. As the class went on then, when the time was right, I would slowly move from my desk to an empty desk one row closer to the door, then when she turned around, I would move to a desk in the next row and then when she turned around again. I would keep doing this until I’d get to the seat by the door and then just run out. It would have worked a little better if the whole class wasn’t trying this – I think she caught on half or more of the rows of desks were empty.
I don’t think I was her favourite student. One day I was in the counselling alcove and I saw my French teacher and she asked me what I was doing, I told her I was switching out of her French in 3rd period... ‘That is a very good idea to be out of my class’, she said. ‘ your class in fourth period,’ I continued. She was not impressed.
She caught on to our sneaking out of the classroom and decided that she would check each of our homework everyday and use that as attendance. You only got your attendance mark if she saw your homework.  One day I forgot my homework and I was the first desk in front of her and she was coming around the class to check everyone’s homework, what could I do? Well, the person who sat behind me, Edmund, I think he had the best mark ever in the history of French 11; so, just as Madame Kalfon was coming around I quickly turned around and took his homework off his desk and presented it as my own. He protested but Madame Kalfon was oblivious and put a red tick mark on the paper; I then returned it to Edmund who was too stunned to protest further. Madame Kalfon then looked at the same homework and put a second check mark on it and continued on her way. I thought this was great fun so I took his paper and gave it to three or four other students so they could get their marks as well before I returned it to Edmund. She must have put 4 or 5 checks on Edmund’s homework each day!  I had a lot of hope in French 11 – Hope I wouldn’t get caught and hope I wouldn’t get kicked out… at the end of the day I also got a tutor and a good mark but when I had nothing in the way of academic pride I had hope and I still love to tell those stories. For any teenagers who may be listening – I did study very hard and I still went to university on scholarship... so do your work!
But forget my tales of youth. Don’t we all have stories of a more carefree time? Look back on those times: these are usually times when you didn’t have a lot except the love of a few good friends and the hope that the future will be better. There is a lot of freedom in not having much. Is it Janet Joplin who says that freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose?
Sometimes this is right. Sometimes I think we get to a place of fearing loss so much that we no longer have hope and we no longer have love. Sometimes when we have enough to get by, we don’t share what is ours for fear that we might not have something. This is reflected very much in tithing. A person who has tithed or knows they should tithe, does not tithe... this is a sign that we are not doing well at trusting God. This is a symptom that we are not free but instead bound up in fear or pride or something else that keeps us from tithing. I remember in one church in Tisdale we pastored, there was Ralph. He had a limited income. He only made $52.30 a week and you know what? Every week he tithed $5.23. I think of him when sometimes I am tempted to keep God’s tithe from Him, when sometimes I fear for my finances. Fear can be a crippler of hope and fear can detract from Love. Our candle today is love and perfect love drives out fear.
Pride can also rob us of hope and rob us of love. Sometimes we can be proud of our accomplishments – not in a bad way. Laura is an architect. I can only imagine what it would be like to look upon a building you have designed and built. Krys here wrote many songs and a book that was significant to me long before I ever met him. These congregations of Warehouse Mission and 614 have gone through a lot and God has used us to accomplish Kingdom objectives. There are things we can boast that the Lord has done in many of our lives here. I know friends who have been sober for years, who have been sober for months, who have been sober for days, who have been sober for hours and minutes... these are things to boast in the Lord about.
The problem is when we have pride in ‘our own accomplishments’ as if they rely are ‘our own accomplishments’ then you run into the problems I mentioned of fearing a failing mark in school or in life. Sometimes we build empires for ourselves. Sometimes – maybe like Jerusalem and her temple – before God pulled it down and exiled them, sometimes maybe we feel like we built something up and that can or never should be torn down. Sometimes it needs to come down.
In Advent we talk about the Good News of the Salvation of the world. Do you know where in the Bible this shows up for the first time? Genesis 12:1-3: “All the nations of the earth will be blessed” and do you know what happens just before then... Genesis 11: the tower of Babel. God told the people to move and fill the earth. The people said, ‘No. We are going to stay here, build a city and a tower, and make a name for ourselves instead.’ God levelled their tower, their city; and their pride and their fear in order to give them the hope of salvation.
The other week, we read about how God destroyed Nehustan that the Israelites used for centuries in worship of God, and how the LORD had it destroyed because the people were destroying themselves by worshiping it.
Isaiah records how God destroys His own temple, the holy city of Jerusalem, the independent nations of Israel and of Judah –until the day He returns. God tears down their country, levels their city, destroys their temple, and in so doing provides them here with the hope of flattened mountains, raised valleys, straight paths and the joy and love that can only come from trusting God in place of trusting nations, cities, temples, government, prosperity, and humanity.
This is the love that God has for us today as well. He loves us so much that if there are any valleys, mountains, crooked paths or Babel-like buildings of traditions, pride, fears, hate, or something else in our lives; He will flatten those mountains and tear down those buildings, for only then can we be rebuilt on His foundations.
There is a new song by a Canadian Band, Glorious Sons, whose first two lines have been stuck in my head for a few days now:
I spent all my money on a pack of cigarettes,
for a lady that I love with a name I forget.
The song tells a story with some troubles as it moves to the chorus which proclaims ‘Everything will be alright.” And for those of us who have already had the walls come tumbling down and are now in stages of exile in our own lives, for those of us who may feel like all is lost, for those of us who have seen our lives come crashing down around us, for those of us who are grieving, for those of us whose life feels like it is lost. God is here. When the people scattered from the ruins of Babel, God was there for Terah and Abraham offering salvation for the whole world. When Israel was slave to Egypt, God was there with Moses offering salvation; when Judah was exiled from her city, her temple, and her life, God was there looking out for her and pointing her towards Jesus’ Advent; whose imminent return we eagerly await today when the mountains in our life will be levelled, the valleys raised, and the paths made straight.
When our life is in exile maybe even from our own view of God; He will never leave us nor forsake us. Sometimes life is sad. Sometimes life is hard but God promises that someday our valleys of despair will be filled in, our mountains of trouble will be levelled and our crooked paths will be straightened – and, even until then He will journey with us every step of the way offering to bring us along in hope and in love. Today and this week let us all walk in God’s hope and love as we look forward to the day of Christ’s return when those valleys will be raised, those mountains will be levelled and our paths will straightened for ever more.
Let us pray.


Video of the 2021 remake:

Isaiah 40:1-8: Easy Running...

This is the abridged version presented to a.m. service of Warehouse 614 at 77 River Street in Toronto on the second Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2017
Today we heard classic words of God through Isaiah and Jesus that are quoted by John the Baptist. Last week we had the Santa Shuffle. Heather participated and got a great metal. Since my 30s, I have off-again and on-again done quite a bit of running. When I lived in Vancouver I faithfully ran every second day. I lived about 5km from my office – I used to run there and back. In Winnipeg I lived almost 10km from the College, and a colleague and I did that run more than once. Running can be fun – but when you get out of the habit, and have to start again or when you start for the very first time it can be a chore. And sometimes those hills in your first few runs can feel like mountains and those valleys, ravines.  I can remember when I was first learning to run out west – where there are real mountains - being near the end of my run and my energy... rounding an almost last corner and seeing... a mountain to try to run up for my last 1/2k or so... Isaiah 40:3b-5: 

“...make straight in the desert
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

This is a great verse to ponder when you are running up and down hills and around curves, looking towards a time when obstacles will disappear. I also used to do a good deal of hiking and some backpacking. After a few hours following switchbacks up and down mountains, you can almost feel the relief of Isaiah’s valleys raised and mountains leveled. This is part of the Good News of Isaiah 40. This is the Good News also that John the Baptist proclaims: when Jesus’ returns with His Kingdom, obstacles will be removed. As during Advent we mark waiting for Jesus’ birth, we also hope for His return so that our mountains of trouble will be leveled and our valleys of despair will be raised to abundance. The crookedness of our paths will be straightened. That is hope.

Last week we lit the candle of hope. Today we lit the candle of love. First one has hope and then one can dare to love. One of the key things about hope and love in the context of Isaiah is that both are to and from God and an humbled people, a conquered people, an exiled people. There is no hope when you are on top of the world...only fear that you will fall off.

In Advent we talk about the Good News of the Salvation of the world. Do you know where in the Bible this shows up for the first time? Genesis 12:1-3: “All the nations of the earth will be blessed” and do you know what happens just before then... Genesis 11: the tower of Babel. God told the people to move and fill the earth. The people said, ‘No. We are going to stay here, build a city and a tower, and make a name for ourselves instead.’ God leveled their tower, their city; and their pride and their fear in order to give them the hope of salvation.

The other week, we read about how God destroyed Nehustan that the Israelites used for centuries in worship of God, and how the LORD had it destroyed because the people were destroying themselves by worshiping it.

Isaiah records how God destroys His own temple, the holy city of Jerusalem, the independent nations of Israel and of Judah –until the day He returns. God tears down their country, levels their city, destroys their temple, and in so doing provides them here with the hope of flattened mountains, raised valleys, straight paths and the joy and love that can only come from trusting God in place of trusting nations, cities, temples, government, prosperity, and humanity.

This is the love that God has for us today as well. He loves us so much that if there are any valleys, mountains, crooked paths or Babel-like buildings of traditions, pride, fears, hate, or something else in our lives; He will flatten those mountains and tear down those buildings, for only then can we be rebuilt on His foundations.

There is a new song by a Canadian Band, Glorious Sons, whose first two lines have been stuck in my head for a few days now:
I spent all my money on a pack of cigarettes,
for a lady that I love with a name I forget.

The song tells a story with some troubles as it moves to the chorus which proclaims ‘Everything will be alright.” And for those of us who have already had the walls come tumbling down and are now in stages of exile in our own lives, for those of us who may feel like all is lost, for those of us who have seen our lives come crashing down around us, for those of us who are grieving, for those of us whose life feels like it is lost. God is here. When the people scattered from the ruins of Babel, God was there for Terah and Abraham offering salvation for the whole world. When Israel was slave to Egypt, God was there with Moses offering salvation; when Judah was exiled from her city, her temple, and her life, God was there looking out for her and pointing her towards Jesus’ Advent; whose imminent return we eagerly await today when the mountains in our life will be leveled, the valleys raised, and the paths made straight.

When our life is in exile maybe even from our own view of God; He will never leave us nor forsake us. Sometimes life is sad. Sometimes life is hard but God promises that someday our valleys of despair will be filled in, our mountains of trouble will be leveled and our crooked paths will be straightened – and, even until then He will journey with us every step of the way offering to bring us along in hope and in love. Today and this week let us all walk in God’s hope and love as we look forward to the day of Christ’s return when those valleys will be raised, those mountains will be leveled and our paths will straightened for ever more.

Let us pray.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Devotion 3.12/114: Ecclesiastes 9:11: Mandolins

Presented to River Street Cafe, 20 November 2017

Read Ecclesiastes 9:11

Jethro Tull won the 1988 Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance Vocal or Instrumental, beating the favourite Metallica. The award was controversial because most people rightfully do not consider Jethro Tull hard rock, much less heavy metal. On the advice of their manager, who told them they had no chance of winning, no one from the band even attended the award ceremony. Their front man pays the flute and their band’s logo is a silouhette of Ian Anderson playing the flute.

When asked about the controversy Ian Anderson quipped, "Well, we do sometimes play our mandolins very loudly." And their label, Chrysalis, responsed to the criticism by taking out an advertisement in a British music periodical with a picture of a flute lying in a pile of iron re-bar and the line, "the flute is a heavy metal instrument."

In 1992, when Metallica finally won the Grammy in the category, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich joked, "First thing we're going to do is thank Jethro Tull for not putting out an album this year"

Ecclesiates 9:11:
I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.

This is grace. It is our job to enjoy our labour under the sun, as Ecclesiastes repeatedly reminds us throughout. We must work hard; we should enjoy our work for we must remember that at the end of the day, everything good does not directly correspond to our effort, influence or anything else. Our blessings are due to the grace of God alone.

When have you experienced the grace of God recently?

Numbers 21:1-9, 2 Kings 18:1-4, John 3:13:16: No Nehushtan.

Presented to Swift Current corps of The Salvation Army, 21 September 2014 and Toronto Warehouse Mission 614 both services, 13 November 2017; and Alberni Valley Ministries, 07 May 2023 by Captain (Major) Michael Ramsay.

Click here to read the Saskatchewan 2014 version:

To view the 2023 Alberni Valley Version, click here:
Elements of this sermon were incorporated into Major Michael Ramsay's sermon to the Alberni Valley Community Lenten Service, John 3:16-21: Snake Clowns, 10 March 2024 which you can view here:
This is the Toronto 2017 Version.

The following is allegedly from the US Government Peace Corps Manual for its volunteers who work in the Amazon Jungle. It tells what to do in case an anaconda attacks you:

1. If you are attacked by an anaconda do not run. The snake is faster than you are.
2. Lie flat on the ground. Put your arms tight against your sides, your legs tight against one another.
3. Tuck your chin in.
4. The snake will come and begin to nudge and climb over your body.
5. Do not panic.
6. After the snake has examined you, it will begin to swallow you from your feet and always from the end. Permit the snake to swallow your feet and ankles. Do not panic.
7. The snake will now begin to swallow your legs into its body. You must lie perfectly still. This will take a long time.
8. When the snake has reached your knees, slowly and with as little movement as possible, reach down, take your knife and very gently slide it into the side of the snake’s mouth between the edge of its mouth and your leg, then suddenly rip upwards, severing the snake’s head.
9. Be sure you have your knife.
10. If at this point you notice that you have forgotten your knife, you may wish that you had paid attention in class; and now would be a good time to pray if you aren’t already.

Our pericope today is also about snakes. It is actually a passage that has interested me for quite a while, Numbers 21:1-9. We notice in Numbers 21:1-3 that the Israelites are on a spiritual high. They have just made a vow to the Lord and the Lord has given them a victory against the Canaanites.

Victory: people in Saskatchewan are watching their TVs now hoping that they can win a victory to go on to the next round of the play-offs. Victory: hockey season has just begun and TML has Austin Mathews. Can you imagine if this is the year that the Leafs raise the cup again?

It is very much this kind of feeling that the Israelites have as the Lord delivers them, verses 1-3, but there is even more than that. They have just won a military victory, a physical contest. They are excited. The Lord has delivered them. They are celebrating and telling all the stories, I imagine.

And then, right away, the very next verses, 4-9, the people revert to the complaining that led to the Exodus generation forfeiting for themeselves the salvation of the Promised Land. They complain against God and against Moses and they even refer to the very bread from heaven that God has been lovingly sending to them to keep them alive. They refer to this bread from heaven through which God is saving them from starvation, they refer to this bread from heaven – to which the Lord Jesus Himself is compared (John 6:22-59) – they say about this sustenance and salvation from the Lord – they say, “We detest that miserable food” (Numbers 21:5). How does that make their Heavenly Father feel?

Just like there were consequences for the Exodus generation complaining consistently about the Lord so too there are consequences for this generation rejecting their bread of God’s salvation. This time the consequence is a plague of snakes.

Who here likes snakes? Who here likes big snakes and poisonous snakes? And there is even more. “The Hebrew phrase hannehashim hasserapim, [here means literally] ‘the burning snakes’ or, better, ‘the snakes that produce burning’. The ‘fire’ was in their venom, of course… The poison in these snakebites must have been particularly virulent, leading to horrible, agonizing deaths.” The Lord sends these poisonous serpents among the Israelites and they bite them and the bitten Israelites die probably painfully. They perish from the venom of the serpents. Just as Adam and Eve died at the hand of the serpent – so to speak - (Genesis 3) so too the children of Israel.

At this point they realize what they are doing in blaming God and complaining and rejecting the very life that He is providing for them. They realize their sin and they repent of it. They call out to Moses; they beseech him to speak on their behalf to God, saying that they are sorry and they ask for deliverance from the consequences of their sins.

God then tells Moses that He will yet again deliver these people. God will save them still. Verses 8-9, “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.’  So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.”

This is great and this is exciting. This deliverance from the serpents meant so much to the Israelites that they actually kept that bronze snake around for a long time to remember this miracle. They kept this symbol of what God had done with them their whole time in the desert. They kept this bronze snake with them throughout the whole life and leadership of Joshua, son of Nun during the conquest of Canaan. They kept the bronze snake safe and secure for generations. They kept it through the roughly 400 years of alternating oppression and liberation in the time of the Judges. They kept this bronze snake with them through the entire existence of the United Kingdom: through the reigns of Kings Saul, David, and Solomon. They kept this bronze serpent during the divided kingdoms, using it during worship, through many kings and political administrations, through many wars and trials and tribulations and throughout all these generations. They used this snake in worship for much longer a time period than the time between today and when the Europeans first organized in Quebec, Montreal, or later landed on Plymouth Rock. For hundreds of years they used this bronze snake that Moses had made in the desert as part of their worship and then, 1 Kings 18:1-4:

In the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father [ancestor] David had done. He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. (It was called Nehushtan.)

This is the snake that God had Moses himself make hundreds of years earlier in the desert to deliver the people from the serpents. This is a heritage item, an historic artifact; this is a part of worship. This snake is a symbol of the healing that God did in the desert and this snake was a symbol of salvation and now the King of Judah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord by breaking it into pieces, destroying it forever. Why would God have this powerful symbol of salvation created by Moses destroyed after the people of God had gone to great effort over hundreds and hundreds of years of adversity and affluence to preserved it? Why would God have destroyed this powerful symbol of salvation that He Himself ordered created in the first place?

He had it destroyed because instead of using it as a tool to worship God; they began worshiping the bronze snake instead of or alongside God. It had become an idol. Are there things like this in the churches today? What are the important aspects of our worship? Music, Mercy Seat, Communion, Baptism? These tools that help us worship God; can or have they become ‘Nehushtan’? Can people come to think that they are saved by being baptized or taking communion rather than or as well as by Jesus? Can people take good things that may have even been ordained and commissioned by God Himself – like the snake and maybe like some contemporary church practices - and adore those things more than, instead of, or as well as God?

The word ‘worship’ roughly means ‘to adore’. Are there things in the churches, in our religions, in our lives; are there things – or even people - that maybe God has used to great effect in our lives that we now adore like we are supposed to adore God? For those who grew up in the Army here: what if we removed this flag? What if we removed this uniform? What if we removed the Mercy Seat, the very spot where we are to come to meet with God Himself? Would we grumble every time we came here? Do we love these articles as well as we love God? Is there an author or a theologian or a pastor or a person that you follow so closely that whatever he, she or they say must be correct; so much so that you don’t even bother to test their words against the Scriptures or to refine them through the fires of prayer anymore? But just accept them blindly? All of the words of great people and the sacraments and great traditions of the churches and the Church, even though they may have been ordained to point us to the very power of Christ and Salvation, as soon as we start thinking that salvation comes through any words like a preacher’s, any item like the Mercy Seat; any food like communion; or a rite like baptism, we are in trouble. If we think that without that rite, item or other we are going to hell, when really salvation comes from Christ alone, then that symbol of God Himself could very well become ‘Nehushtan’ in our lives and need to be removed.

Hear me correctly: it is when we start to adore things in and of themselves that are meant to help us adore God that they need to removed from our lives; when good things that used to help us worship God become things we worship, then we need to remove them – no matter how important they are to us: no matter how long we have used them as part of worship, if we start to adore them alongside God than they become ‘Nehushtan’.

Now that being said – listen carefully to me here - communion, baptism, the Mercy Seat, and any other aid to worship, as it is a very important aid to bring us close to God and as any of these aids help us express our love of Christ and our joy at communing with Him, as these things bring us close to God and lead us to think of and adore Christ then these are very important but anything or anyone who we adore alongside or worship instead of Christ needs to be removed from our life so that indeed we can worship Christ alone for Salvation indeed comes from Christ alone.

There is one more thing that I want to point out here. Just like 1 Corinthians 10 points out that water is a symbol of our very important baptism into Christ; so John Chapters 12 and 3 point out that that snake in the desert is a symbol of our all important salvation in Jesus Christ.

Jesus says, John 12:32: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 3:13-16: “No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man [Jesus] must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

This bronze snake that God used was cast aside and destroyed after centuries of use because it began to compete with the Lord for the very hearts and minds and adoration of His people. But what that bronze snake represents is alive and well and that is our salvation through Jesus Christ, through Christ alone. So today I encourage us all that if there is anything – even something in the church or a good person or a good mentor in our lives – if there is anything that we have come to see as our salvation other than Christ, I invite us to leave it here in this sanctuary or even on the altar today and never to pick it up again. There is only one who can handle all of our problems and there is not a single thing that we can face in our lives that God cannot handle; so I invite us here today in all that we are going through, in all that we experience, in all that we do; to always look for our salvation from Christ and from Christ alone.

Let us pray.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

John 15:13: Greater Love Has No One...

Presented to each the Nipawin and Tisdale Corps, 15 November 2008
Presented to Swift Current Corps, 08 November 2009
Presented to Warehouse 614, 05 November 2017
by Captain Michael Ramsay

Click here to read the homily:

Friday, October 27, 2017

Devotion 3.11/113: Matthew 6:14: Tutsi Forgiveness

Presented to River Street Cafe,  27 October 2017
and 614WM am service,  22 Ocotber 2017

Read Matthew 6:7-15

Immaculee Ilibagiza says, “Forgiveness is possible in every situation”; she says, “God is always right; whatever our Lord tells us to do is right. And God tells us to forgive.” Immaculee is a Rwandan and she is a Tutsi. Remember the Rwandan genocide? The Hutus slaughtered about 1 million Tutsi’s in 90 days – mostly by machete.

            Immaculee remembers her family was able to hide her in a home of a Hutu pastor. No one else in the family could hide. They were murdered. One day a death squad came to search the house where see was hiding. A chain of people surrounded the house so that if there were any Tutsi in the house they couldn't escape. Then then searchers came in the house. They searched even suitcases in case someone might be trying to hide a small child there. They were looking for Tutsis and if they found one, even a child, they would kill her.

            She remembers when searchers were close to their hiding place, a part of her wanted to run out and defy them and a part of her wanted to remain hidden. She is Catholic and she prayed, "God, if You are who You are, please don't let them look in this room" and then she fainted. When she came to, the evangelical Hutu pastor who was harbouring them said that they were by the door when one searcher said, ‘Mr. So-and-So, you are a good man, you wouldn't have anyone in your house’ and they left. God saved them.

When God answered her prayer and the searchers did not come in her room she knew God was real more than she ever knew before and so she would pray her Rosary prayers all the more. One of the prayers on the Rosary is the Lord's Prayer. She would pray it regularly but then she would get to the part that says please forgive our trespasses (our sins) as we forgive those who trespass (sin) against us and stop. Surely God didn't mean me? How can I forgive the sins of what has been done to me? How can I forgive my enemies – when they killed my mother, my father, my brothers, and my family? She got to the point where because she knows God is real and knows everything, she wouldn't even say those words in the Lord's Prayer – forgive us our sins as we forgive others - she would skip them over because she didn’t want to forgive them but then, of course, all-knowing God knows she is skipping those words. She came to realize this and so she opened her Bible to find some relief from this conviction to forgive her enemies. She opened her Bible and it said:

  • Pray for your enemies, so she closed it and opened it again,
  • Pray for those who persecute you, close,
  • Forgive your enemies!

And then she remembered God. Jesus on Cross: do you remember what some his last recorded words are - about those who have put him up on that cross to die? Jesus said, "Father forgive them" and then Jesus said "for they do not know what they do". Jesus forgave his enemies. Jesus says, "Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Jesus himself told us to forgive others as we want to be forgiven.

            Immaculee says, “Forgiveness is possible in every situation and God is always right; whatever our Lord tells us to do is right. God tells us to forgive.”

            And if Jesus forgives those who put him on a Cross to kill him and if Immaculee can forgive those who killed her family and extended family and the people she loves then surely we can forgive those who hurt us.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Matthew 6:12: “… as we forgive those who trespass against us”

 Presented to 614 Warehouse pm service, 22 October 2017 (abridged version in the am) by Captain Michael Ramsay

To read the 2022 Alberni Valley version, click here:
Hello everyone. It is good to be back, I missed church here and the many friends that we have around here over the previous few weeks. While I was away we experienced some interesting things:
  • We went to Wye Marsh and were able to walk around the woods there. They had some owls that lived there. What were the kinds of owls there, Heather? It was great. They even talked to us. Heather was having some great conversations with many of them as they all clamoured for her attention. There was one owl that looked like Gonzo - do you remember Gonzo from the Muppets? - He was neat. If I would hold out my arms he would hold out his wing. It was a lot of fun.
  • Of course, we were able to join you here at Warehouse for Thanksgiving. That was a blessing. We also had a Thanksgiving dinner and other dinners at home that Susan and the girls made and decorated.
  • I was blessed to be able to say grace and ask the blessing as I addressed the gala to celebrate Toronto Kiwanis Club’s centennial celebrations.
  • We had some good family times. I went to the Argos game with my kids - yes, we are all in green. You can take the person out of Rider Nation, Saskatchewan but you can't take Rider Nation out of the person.
  • I finished writing another book - now I just need to get it edited and complete all the requisite Army paperwork.
  • I got caught up with old friends Majors Stephen Court and Danielle Strickland. They are great Godly people. They sent us into the work and are always a great help when things are difficult.

It has been a difficult time. It is interesting. When things are difficult you learn who your friends are and maybe you learn who your friends aren't. Times away can really be eye openers. Thursday and Friday, we were at The Global Leadership Summit. It was a great conference streamed at THQ; we learned a lot. There were very many good speakers. One lady - Juliet Funt (her dad hosted that show, Candid Camera many years ago; remember that show) – she spoke about something called 'white space', the strategic pause of even a mere moment but with intent. Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to more than pause, to pray, and to reflect quite a bit.

How we use time away - especially difficult time away is very important. How I used that time was very important. I was upset. I know some here know what it like to be upset. I know some of us here know what it is like to be betrayed, to be falsely accused and to anxiously wait to finally be exonerated. I have spent a lot of time in court rooms and prison ministries in the past. I know how our hearts and our minds can become consumed with all kinds of bad thoughts when life's circumstances seem to be bad and some people around us seem to be bad and other people and institutions and processes that we have mistakenly placed our trust in also appear to be bad. I know it can be very anxious when after a person is cleared, they are thrust back into an environment where they must face their accuser. It is tough. I know this.

            I don't know how much attention people pay to the sermons I have preached over the years here but one key theme to which I keep returning is forgiveness. It is central to Christianity, to following Christ, and it is the most powerful way for us to remove hate and fear from our lives. Hate and unforgiveness kill us and unforgiveness, as I have often said, is a self-inflicted wound. So-and-so may have hurt you when they did that terrible thing to you but you hurt yourself over and over again when you do not forgive them. They aren't necessarily hurt by your unforgiveness. They might not even know you are mad at them but if every time you think about that person if your heart hardens, your mind tightens, and you stomach and back ache, then your unforgiveness is killing you. We actually have the power to forgive and be released from the pain we are suffering but it is not easy.

            Let me share with you another story were heard at the Global Leadership Summit at THQ this week. This one is from Immaculee Ilibagiza. She says, “Forgiveness is possible in every situation”; she says, “God is always right; whatever our Lord tells us to do is right. And God tells us to forgive.” Immaculee is a Rwandan and she is a Tutsi. Does anyone here remember the Rwandan genocide?

            In the late 20th Century people in Rwanda were required to carry racial ID cards stating whether you are a Hutu, Tutsi, Pygmy, or another race. This is reminiscent of South African Apartied, American segregation, or the star Jews had to wear during WWII. In 1994, the president of Rwanda's plane was shot down and this unleashed the brutality that had apparently been building up for years. She remembers now hearing radio programs promoting hatred and violence against the minority Tutsis by the majority Hutus for years before the genocide but she never thought much if it. We hear wakkos spreading hate on our TVs, radios, and social media every day and every minute here now. Everybody seems to hate somebody for something. She didn't think much of it then - just a few Hutus publicly hating Tutsis. But then with the death of the president it unleashed a genocidal wave that wiped out about a million lives in about 90 days. The people on the radio were calling for Hutus to track down their Tutsi neighbours and not only report on them but to actually kill them. I remember reading the horror stories in the news at that time of neighbours hacking apart neighbours with machetes.

            Immaculee remembers her mother, her father, and her brothers sent her away when this began. They wanted her to be safe. The sent her to hide in the house of a Hutu pastor. She remembers that she was put in a bathroom, 3ft by 4ft, and told not to leave the room and not to make any noise. She remembers saying or thinking, 'I can't stay here it is too small; Then two more girls came to live in that room and then two more and then more and then soon the room was jam-packed with girls and they couldn't leave in the daylight and they couldn’t make any noise at all - if anyone knew they were there they could, they would, be killed.

            Immaculee remembers one day a death squad came to search the house. A chain of people surrounded the house so that if they found any Tutsi in the house they couldn't escape. Then the searchers came into the house. They searched in closets, they searched in the halls, they searched in the ceiling, they searched in the floor. They even searched in suitcases in case someone might be trying to hide a small child in one. They were looking for Tutsis and if they found one, even a child, they would kill her.

            She remembers when searchers were close to their hiding place, a part of her wanted to run out and defy them and a part of her wanted to remain hidden. She is Catholic and she prayed, "God, if You are who You are, please don't let them look in this room" and then she fainted. When she came to, the evangelical Hutu pastor who was harbouring them said that they were by the door when one searcher said, ‘Mr. So-and-So, you are a good man, you wouldn't have anyone in your house’ and they left.

            They stayed three months jam packed in that washroom. They had nothing to do so they asked that a radio be placed where they could hear it and on it they heard day after day the government inciting people to hate and kill them and day after day people were. One government official even encouraged the Hutu to kill Tutsi children saying, "the child of a snake is still a snake," Hate is powerful, When you hear people plotting to kill you and your loved ones it is easy to grab onto hate and try to get through this time by hating your enemies and plotting a real or imagined vengeance at the expense your soul. Now to make her soul an even more fertile ground for hate to grow, on her first night of the 90 nights she spent in that washroom, pressed up against all of the others, she heard the news that her mother, and father, and brothers, were hacked to death.

            Whether in that room or afterwards I do not remember, she had her Rosary beads with her. When God answered her prayer and the searchers did not come in her room she knew God was real more than she ever knew before and so she would pray her Rosary prayers all the more. One of the prayers on the Rosary is the Lord's Prayer. She would pray it regularly but then she would get to the part that says please forgive our trespasses (our sins) as we forgive those who trespass (sin) against us. But surely God didn't mean me? How can I forgive the sins of what has been done to me? How can I forgive my enemies – when they killed my mother, my father, my brothers, and my family? She got to the point where because she knows God is real and He knows everything, she wouldn't even say those words in the Lord's Prayer – forgive us our sins as we forgive others - she would skip them over because she didn’t want to forgive them but then, of course, all-knowing God knows she is skipping those words. She came to realize this and so she opened her Bible to find some relief from this conviction to forgive her enemies. She opened her Bible and it said:
  • Pray for your enemies, so she closed it and opened it again,
  • Pray for those who persecute you, close,
  • Forgive your enemies!
And then she remembered God, Jesus on Cross: do you remember what some his last recorded words are - about those who have put him up on that cross to die? Jesus said, "Father forgive them" and then Jesus said "for they do not know what they do". Jesus forgave his enemies. Jesus says, "Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Jesus himself told us to forgive others as we want to be forgiven.

            Immaculee says, “Forgiveness is possible in every situation and God is always right; whatever our Lord tells us to do is right. God tells us to forgive.”

            And if Jesus forgives those who put him on a Cross to kill him and if Immaculee can forgive those who killed her family and extended family and the people she loves then surely we can forgive those who hurt us.

            In the conference we were at, Bill Hybels invited us to think of a person who has recently hurt us. He invited us to think of someone who when we think of them our muscles tighten and our hearts harden. He asked us to forgive them and free ourselves from the pain of unforgiveness. I know that is not easy because the person I still need to forgive was in the same room that afternoon. The speaker invited us to make up with our attackers and I will keep trying. And when I forgive them in my heart then maybe even I can forgive them with my words, for forgiveness is possible in every situation; God is always right; whatever our Lord tells us to do is right. God tells us to forgive.

Let us pray