Thursday, July 19, 2018

Devotion 3.46/147: Philippians 3:13-16: Why should I study?

If I am going to heaven why do I need to read my Bible? If Christ has saved me why do I need to read my Bible? It is confusing. I can't read that well. It takes time. Abraham and Isaac didn't need to read the Bible to go to heaven; why do I need to read my Bible?

My oldest two daughters are taking exams this week. They are their final examinations for grade 10 and 11 respectively. I was speaking with one of them today. She told me that she has 88% going into the exam. The exam is only worth 50% of her mark; so even if she doesn't get a single question right on the exam she will still pass the course. She is still studying for the exam.

She wants to know as much of the subject matter as she can. She wants to be able to achieve as well as she possibly can. She wants to know more and she wants to perform well. She wants to do this for herself, her friends, family, and teachers. And the knowledge in the course will be very useful, it will make next year at school easier as she retains it and can make her whole future career go smoother as she retains the knowledge.

This is the same with us and reading the Bible. Yes, we passed the final exam when we accepted Jesus' free gift of salvation. Reading or not reading the Bible will not get us into heaven. It will however help us to achieve peace and perseverance in this world. It will give us valuable knowledge and insight that can help us with all of our present and future endeavours. As well, the more time we spend reading with the Lord, the closer we become.
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