Recently, however, the majority of Canadians don't follow through on this responsibility. Instead we vote for or against a person (sometimes without even knowing their name) because we like or dislike some organization (party) that they belong to. Can you imagine if you could be fired from your job, not because of the work you do or do not do, but because you belonged to the YWMCA, Rotary, The Salvation Army, or some other organization? It doesn't make any sense.
Even more recently people have been hiring or firing someone from their jobs representing ridings because of the leaders of their political parties. Can you imagine if you were fired because someone didn't like the leader of an organization to which you belonged? Can you imagine if you were fired because someone someone didn't like me? This is what election night has become in Canada.
That all being said and to avoid this day's thought turning out to be the same as yesterday's thought, I thought I would draw an eternal parallel to this scenario: Your and my election to the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with our resumes. It has nothing to do even with the churches we are members of. It has everything to do with who our leader is. The only way to enter the Kingdom of God is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. If he is our leader we will be elected to eternal salvation. It is to this end that I encourage us today. It is not too late. If you haven't joined Jesus' party, why not do so right now and then you will be guaranteed to share in his victory on the eternal election night.
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