Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Week 39: Isaiah 2:4: Peace

A devotional thought composed originally for Swift Current TSA Devotional Book, June 2015.

Read Isaiah 2:1-4

Will there ever be world peace? Yes. The real question is when? The Scriptures say that the heavens and earth will be made anew or that even a new heavens and earth will be made. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and Jesus is coming back. When Jesus returns (if not before) there will most certainly be peace on earth. This is important. I think that sometimes we forget that Jesus is actually coming back.

The Salvation Army’s official position on world peace is as follows:

The plan for creation is that all people shall live in a harmonious relationship with God. It acknowledges that only within this relationship can perfect peace be fully known, and that this peace transcends the circumstances of this life. Greed, selfishness and injustice, however, have entered human lives and often result in conflict and, at times, armed aggression.

Therefore, in the light of the Gospel and in obedience to the one who declared, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” The Salvation Army through its ministry around the world confronts the poverty, injustice and the inequalities that so often give rise to disharmony and unrest, and seeks to foster mutual respect and understanding between peoples of all races, ethnic origins, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions and cultures.

Recognizing the appalling character of modern warfare, The Salvation Army urges nations to eliminate all weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction and divert those expenditures into measures that will benefit society, and especially into providing services that promote the welfare of the poor, suffering or disadvantaged, and bring about a more just society. The Salvation Army is ready to work, alone or in partnership with others of goodwill, to bring about an end to armed conflict and to promote reconciliation between opposing factions. It also undertakes to extend in Christian love its practical care to those who suffer because of war, civil unrest or other forms of violence, without discrimination except on the basis of the need being met and its capacity to meet it.

The Salvation Army calls upon all within its influence – members, friends and fellow Christians – to pray for peace, to love their enemies and to work for the betterment of society, witnessing to God as the source of lasting peace and to a right relationship with God as the only path to perfect peace.

When we are in a relationship with God we can even experience His peace in the midst of turmoil. Many early Christians experienced the peace of Christ during torture and martyrdom. Their forgiving response was used to God to greatly expand his Kingdom here on earth.

When have you had the opportunity to turn the other cheek and share the peace of God with your neighbour even in the midst of calamity? What was the result?

[1] Based on the article by Captain Michael Ramsay, Will there ever be world peace? Nipawin Journal (January 2008) On-line: