Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 22: Romans 1:16: Good News

A devotional thought presented originally to Swift Current Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Thursday 26 February 2015. Presented to River Street Cafe, 18 December 2015  

Read Romans 1:12-17

I remember one July 1st in Victoria when our eldest daughter was very little. We went to Canada Day celebrations at Fort Rodd Hill. It was fun: they had a lot of things to do and see: We could see people in historical costumes. There were also mascots dressed like various animals walking around: great for kids, right?

There was even one person who was dressed like a tree giving balloons to children and telling them about the environment; this tree came to say ‘hi’ to us and leaned over to offer Rebecca (who was 2 at the time) a balloon and asked her, “Do you like trees?” To which she responded, as sweet as can be: “not trees that talk and walk.”

Young kids are not ashamed to speak their mind. Romans 1:16. Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…”

The word gospel literally translated means ‘good news’. No one is ashamed of good news, right? And what is this good news? This good news is that we can be saved from eternal death and damnation.

I have done a fair amount of disaster relief work in my time. Can you imagine if you were the first to hear that a tornado, a hurricane, or a flood was going to hit your community? What if you lived on an island and you heard that the hurricane was coming and you found out there was one last ferry leaving the island so that everyone who lived on that island, whether they owned a boat or not, could be saved? Wouldn’t you call that good news? Wouldn’t you share that good news of salvation with everyone so that everyone would know of the opportunity to be saved? You wouldn’t be ashamed of the good news of that salvation.

Paul is saying that, even now, the world is facing an eschatological hurricane but there is no need to worry. He has good news. Even though death and destruction are coming, we can be saved. There is even more to this good news. Paul says that we don’t need to worry anymore. Through the power of God we can start to experience this new life this very day! And this is good news and we should definitely not be ashamed of this!

Now it is our responsibility to share this good news for, indeed, the Gospel is the power of God for all to be saved both now and forever. To this end then, I encourage us all to seize every opportunity to share the good news of salvation so that all of us may turn to God and be saved.

Who have you had the opportunity to share the good news of God's salvation with this week? How will you make sure you take advantage of opportunities to share the Gospel from now on?

[1] Based on the sermon by Captain Michael Ramsay, Romans 1:16: I am not ashamed of the Gospel! Presented to Swift Current Salvation Army, 05 July 2009. On-line: