Thursday, November 21, 2013

Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38: De Vine Final

Presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, 24 Nov. 2013
by Captain Michael Ramsay

This morning is our final morning of our teaching on the lineage of Jesus as laid out in Matthew and Luke. One thing that always comes with a teaching unit is a final exam: so let’s see how we do.

 Matching Test[1]

  1. Adam and Eve     
  2. Noah                                       
  3. Abraham
  4. Judah and Tamar
  5. Rahab
  6. Ruth
  7. David and Bathsheba
  8. Josiah
  9. Zerubbabel
  A.  He built an ark
  1. He built a temple
  2. He died in battle
  3. She was a Moabite
  4. He was from Ur of the Chaldeans (Iraq)
  5. She was a Canaanite prostitute
  6. They were the first people
  7. He is their child’s legal father and grandfather
  8. He was a king; she may have been a Hittite

The people who we chose to look at in our nine part sermon series on the lineage of Jesus were some of the more interesting names in the list: some of the ones that we have quite a bit of information about in the Biblical record. We also picked them because we thought their stories really help to underline two key points that God seems to emphasize through Jesus’ genealogy:

1)      There are consequences for our actions; however, God will not forsake us in difficult times (Deuteronomy 31:6; Judges 1:5, 16:2; Romans 3:3-4, 6:23; Hebrews 13:5).

2)      Salvation is offered to the whole world, including and especially the marginalized and those in distress (Luke 19:10; John 1:29, 3:16, 4:42; Acts 2:21; Romans 5:6, 6:23; 1 Timothy 2:3-6; Titus 2:11).[2] And including each of us as well.

 1. Adam and Eve

The first people who we looked at in our series on the lineage of Christ were Adam and Eve.[3] They were the first people that God created and God loved them and God gave them a very important task or two. Do you remember what he asked of them?

1)      Take care of the earth (Genesis 1:28b)
2)      Multiply, bringing the news of God to the ends of the earth (Genesis 1:28a)
3)      Save the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; don’t eat it yet (Genesis 2:16-17).

 The first people disobeyed and even tried to deceive their Father. They sinned. They defied Him even after He had created this whole garden for them and even after He had given them each and everyone of the animals to name and all save one tree from which to eat. God did all this and they still defy Him (Genesis 2-3). This makes God very sad and so:

1)      There are consequences for their actions but God does not forsake them in the ensuing difficult times.

2)      Salvation is offered to them; including and especially when they are in distress.

 The consequences are, of course, ‘the fall’ (Genesis 3). They are removed from the garden; they need to work hard to get the earth to produce fruit. There is now pain in childbirth. However, God does not forsake them. He provides them with clothing and protection as they enter into their new world. He offers them salvation right in the midst of their distress. Even when they notice that they are naked and want protection from the elements, it is God who provides the clothing for them (Genesis 3:21). He does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers them salvation and He offers us salvation.
2. Noah

The people of Noah’s time, like Adam and Eve, are asked to take care of the earth and to multiply and thus bring the good news of God to the ends of the earth (Genesis 9:1).[4] The people of Noah’s time, the Bible says, ‘were only evil all the time’ (Genesis 6:5-7). This makes God very sad and so
1)      There are consequences for their actions: God feels the need to drown the world in His sorrow (Genesis 6-8); however, God does not forsake people in these difficult times.

2)      Salvation is offered to them. When they are in their greatest distress, God enables Noah to build an Ark to save not only humanity but also the animals of the earth (Genesis 6-8). God does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers them salvation and He offers us salvation.

 In our homily that was a part of this series, we also noticed how the first thing recorded that Noah’s family does upon experiencing their salvation is to commit another grievous sin to do with Ham ‘uncovering Noah’s nakedness’ (cf. Genesis 9:18-29).[5]

1)      There are consequences for their actions: Ham’s descendants - Canaan is cursed; however, God does not forsake the people in difficult times (Genesis 9:25).

2)      Salvation is offered to them; when they are in their greatest distress, you will notice that the Canaanites are especially chosen to be a part of the salvation for the whole world in that they are in the direct lineage of Christ: possibly Tamar and definitely Rahab is a Canaanite chosen especially as part of Jesus’ lineage (Genesis 38, Joshua 2-6).[6] You and I are also invited to be a part of His life and His family.

 3. Abraham

Abraham is the first name mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:2). The other names mentioned today came from the Lukan account (Luke 3:23-38). Abraham is a righteous man. Just like God tells Adam and Noah to fill the earth spreading the Good News of God’s love to the ends of the earth, God does the same thing around Abraham’s story (Genesis 11-25). The prelude to God’s covenant of Salvation through Abraham is the tower of Babel episode (Genesis 11:1-9).[7] The people, instead of moving like they were told, disobey God by staying put and building a tower for their own fame and glory.[8]

1) There are consequences for their actions: God confuses the people’s languages and sends them out in spite of their rebellion (Genesis 11:8). God does not forsake them in the following difficult times though.

2) Salvation is offered to them including and especially when they are in distress. God, as recorded in Genesis 12:3, proclaims the Good News of Salvation for the first time in the Scriptures. All the nations of the earth will be blessed through Abraham. And, of course, this is fulfilled in the lineage and life of Jesus who is the Christ. He does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers them salvation and He offers us salvation.

4. Judah and Tamar

Judah is the oldest son of Israel not to disqualify himself from his birthright. He however does do some pretty awful things in his life, including initiating the sale of his younger brother into slavery (Genesis 37:26-28), but he nonetheless still receives the birthright Also of note, however, is the fact that it is not only he that is here mentioned.[9] Tamar, his child’s mother, is also mentioned. This is quite significant. Tamar is Judah’s daughter-in-law and he deals quite harshly with her. According to the customs of that time and place, when Tamar’s husband (Judah’s son) died, Judah was required to provide his other sons to her so that she may have an heir and so that this heir might look after her in her old age. It is mentioned numerous times throughout Genesis 38 that God is displeased with this unwillingness to provide an heir. Judah eventually even sends Tamar away and so:
1)      There are consequences for his actions. Tamar dresses up as a prostitute and Judah has relations with her (Genesis 38:12-19); however, God does not them in these difficult times; He provides an heir.

2)      Salvation is offered to Judah and salvation is offered to Tamar. When they are in their greatest distress, God enables Tamar to conceive a child who becomes an ancestor of Jesus, God’s own son. Judah then invites Tamar back into his household and Tamar and her son are saved (Genesis 38:24-30). God does not forsake them. Abused and abuser both, God does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers them salvation and He offers us salvation.

 5. Rahab

Rahab is a secular Canaanite prostitute in a doomed pagan city. Foreign spies sneak into Jericho where she lives with her family and the foreign spies come to visit the local prostitute (Joshua 2-6).[10]
1)      There were consequences for the Canaanites as we learned from the Noah episode (Genesis 9:25-29; cf. also Genesis 15:16); however, God does not forsake Rahab and He does not forsake the Canaanites in difficult times.

2)      Salvation is offered to Rahab, a marginalized prostitute, at her time of distress as her whole city is destroyed. And more than that God chooses this Canaanite prostitute to be an ancestor of our Lord and Saviour. God uses the Canaanites to bring salvation to not only the Israelites but also to the whole world (Matthew 1:5, Hebrews 11, James 2:25).[11] He does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers salvation through and to them and He offers salvation to us.

6. Ruth

Ruth is a Moabite.[12] Moabites, like the Canaanites, were at best marginalized and at worst cursed. Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, abandons the land promised to the Israelites and flees to Moab. She and her husband leave the land that is their inheritance.  Her sons marry foreigners and then her sons and her husband die (Ruth 1:1-5).
1)      There are consequences for her actions; Naomi and Ruth both suffer some very difficult times (Ruth 1); however, God does not forsake them in these difficult times. 

2)      Salvation is provided for marginalized and distressed Naomi and for Ruth, her daughter-in-law, and ultimately for the whole world (Ruth 2-4). God chooses this Moabite – from the land of Balaam (Numbers 21-24) - to be an ancestor of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God uses the Moabites to bring salvation to not only the Israelites but also to the whole world.[13] He does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers salvation through and to them and He offers salvation to us.
7. David and Bathsheba

David is the most famous king of Israel.[14] He is the warrior king who fought to expand his nation. He is the man. David has many wives and God could have chosen any of them to carry on the line of salvation. God however chooses Bathsheba and the significance of God’s choice should not be missed on the readers of the Gospel of Matthew. Look at Matthew 1:6b: It says there that the Messiah’s ancestor is David and (what does he call Bathsheba?) Uriah the Hittite’s wife. David takes this foreigner’s wife and has relations with her and then murders Uriah, who is a famous war hero. Matthew wants us to be very much aware of this as he mentions not only David but also Bathsheba and he mentions her not by name but as someone else’s wife. David comes together with Bathsheba through adultery and through murder (2 Samuel 11). David exploits his position and he takes advantage of the marginalized in the kingdom.
1)      There are consequences for David’s actions: his first child by Bathsheba dies (2 Samuel 12:15-23); however, God does not forsake Bathsheba and God does not forsake David in these difficult times that David created.

2)      Salvation is offered to David –the powerful- and salvation is offered to Bathsheba –the powerless. And ultimately this Bathsheba who is taken by this king who murdered her husband, this Bathsheba – who is probably a Hittite (2 Samuel 11:3), Bathsheba is chosen by God to be an ancestor of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God uses this Hittite to bring salvation to not only the Israelites –her son was King Solomon under whose reign Israel’s territory and power reached its height- but God uses this Hittite to bring salvation to the whole world. He does not forsake her and He does not forsake David and He will not forsake us. He offers salvation through and to them and He offers salvation to us.
8. Josiah

Israel is long destroyed and Judah is in its death throws. Judah has so forsaken the LORD that they have even forgotten Him and they have even lost the Scriptures and the Book of the LORD. Israel and Judah have become evil by the time Josiah comes to the throne (2 Kings 21).[15]
1)      There are consequences for their actions: God does not spare Judah (2 Kings 23:26-27). The country is erased from among the nations for the evil that was done but even then God does not forsake them in the ensuing difficult times.

2)      Salvation is offered to them especially when they are in distress. God uses Josiah to lead His people back to Him before He disperses them among the nations (2 Kings 22). This way they have God with them. While they are at their lowest point, they can turn to Him and lean on Him in their distress. God is there for them even as they are suffering the consequences of their actions. He does not forsake them and He will not forsake us. He offers salvation to them and He offers salvation to us.
9. Zerubbabel

Zerubbabel is a descendant of David while the people of Judah are without a nation-state. He is a governor and he and a High Priest who oversee the rebuilding of the Temple (which was where they came to believe that God lived and which was originally destroyed shortly after the death of Josiah). It is during Israel’s exile and then life as a conquered people, it is at this point that they start looking for the Messiah who will be the Saviour of Judah, Israel, and the whole world. Today, the lineages of most of the Israelites have been lost forever from human records. Contemporary Israelis are predominantly descended from North American and European Jews: they aren’t even Semitic. According to Al-Ha’aretz, a prominent Israeli newspaper, as well as many well respected contemporary scholars, most non-Arab Israelis today are descended not from the Israelites of old but rather from the Khazars, people who lived in the Caucasus mountains: they aren’t Semitic; they are Caucasians. Contemporary Israelis are not ancient Israelites.
 However, that being said, when Jesus returns, the Lion of Judah will rise and Israel and the whole world will have a King. That is who the Messiah, the Christ is: He is the one who will rule the whole world from His throne in Jerusalem and we know that this Messiah is none other than Jesus Christ. He is the King of all the nations and it is by no accident that Jesus has in his lineage Judean Israelites –both privileged and otherwise, Moabites, Canaanites, and wives of Hittites. Jesus, who is the saviour of the whole world, has in his lineage even the most disparaged and disadvantaged people. Jesus, the King of Israel, Judah and the world, is descended from the peoples of the world and He is Israel’s saviour and He is our saviour. He is the saviour of the whole world and one day He is coming back and when He comes back every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; so:
1)      Even though we live in a world filled with the consequences of humanity’s actions, God neither leaves us nor forsakes us;

2)      Salvation is offered to all of us even now; including and especially when we are in distress. In our time of need, our Lord is here. He will neither leave us nor forsake us. We are grafted into His vine. We are invited to be a part of His Salvation.
Let us pray. Thank you Lord that you are no respecter of men (Acts 10:34). Thank you Lord, as it records as far back as Genesis 12:3, that salvation is for all the nations of the earth. And thank you Lord for your promise that whosoever believeth in you shall not perish but will have everlasting life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

[1] 1G, 2A, 3E, 4H, 5F, 6D, 7I, 8C, 9B
[2] Cf. Joel B Green. ‘The Gospel of Luke’. NICNT. Vol. 3. (Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1997), 25.
[3] Cf. Captain Michael Ramsay, 'Genesis 1-4: God: Creator, Governor, and Preserver of All Things', presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army ( Swift Current, SK: 26 Feb 2012). Available on-line:
[4] Captain Michael Ramsay, ‘Genesis 6:5-7: This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you,’ presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army ( Swift Current, SK: 10 June 2012). Available on-line:
[5] Captain Michael Ramsay, ‘Genesis 9:18-29: Idiomatic Noah,’ presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, (29 Sept 2013). Available on-line:
[6] Cf. Thomas W, Mann, The Book of the Torah: The Narrative Integrity of the Pentateuch, (Louisville, Kentucky: John Knox Press, 1988), 66-68., re. Tamar
[7] Cf. Captain Michael Ramsay, ‘Genesis 11:1-8, 31-12:4: So that we can make a name for ourselves’, presented to the Nipawin Corps of The Salvation Army, ( Nipawin, SK: 14 June 2009). Available on-line:
[8] Cf. Terence E. Fretheim, The Book of Genesis, (NIB I: Abingdon Press: Nashville, 1994), p. 412 where he argues that the primary sin here is the unwillingness to move and the ‘making a name for themselves’ is secondary.
[9] Cf. Captain Michael Ramsay, ‘Thanksgiving at Judah’s House,’
presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, ( Swift Current, SK: 13 Oct. 2013). Available on-line:
[10] Captain Michael Ramsay, ‘Rahab the Redeemed (Joshua 2&6, Hebrews 11:31, James 2:25),’ presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, ( Swift Current, SK: 25 September 2011), the Weekend of Prayer to Stop Human Trafficking  ( Swift Current, SK: 20 October 2013)  Available on-line:   
[11] Cf. Richard S. Hess, Joshua: An Introduction and Commentary. Downers Grove, IL.: InterVarsity Press, 1996 (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries 6), S. 89
[12] Captain Michael Ramsay, 'Ruth 1: Footprints in the Snow,' presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, ( Swift Current, SK: 27 October 2013). Available on-line:
[13] Cf. Jessica Tate, “Ruth 1:6-22: Between Text and Sermon,” Interpretation 64 (2010)
[14] See Captain Michael Ramsay, '2 Samuel 13-18: Taking Matters in His Own Hands: the Story of Prince Absalom,' presented to Nipawin and Tisdale Corps ( Nipawin, SK: November 18, 2007). Available on-line:  and Captain Michael Ramsay, '1 Samuel 17:46 – 47: The Battle belongs to the Lord,'presented to Nipawin and Tisdale Corps ( Nipawin, SK: July 6, 2008. Presented to Swift Current Corps on May 2, 2010 Available on-line:
[15] Captain Michael Ramsay, 2 Kings 22:1-23:30 (2 Chronicles 34-35): Josiah’s Preparation for Israel’s Life after Death. Presented to Swift Current Corps of The Salvation Army, ( Swift Currrent: 10 November 2013). Available on-line: